University of Ioannina (UoI) was established in 1964. Presently
it has more than 15.000 undergraduate
and postgraduate students, 600 Members of Academic Staff, 170
Teaching Fellows and 130 members of Technical Laboratory Staff. The University Administrative Services are staffed with more
than 280 employees.
are a number of postgraduate study programs on offer, which combine teaching and
research elements, both at Master's and Doctoral level. Approximately 1,300 students
are involved in full-time study progressing to a Master's degree, while more
than 2,200 students are currently pursuing their studies at Doctoral
University includes 24 Departments
operating in 10 Faculties, more than
60 research centers and laboratories
as well as central services and infrastructures all contributing in
strengthening education and research activities.
a 50-year span, the University
of Ioannina has been
firmly established and its development prospects appear to be particularly
promising. This is likely to have a continuing positive contribution to both
the academic community and the region as a whole.
quality research activity is implemented in every aspect of the scientific
areas covered by its Academic Departments, including basic and applied research
in information and communication technologies, engineering, science, arts,
medicine, biology, new materials, economic studies, environment, philosophy,
psychology, history and archaeology, Greek literature, linguistic studies and
training methods.
participated in many National and European funded activities and as a result it
has a proven long-term experience in managing, monitoring, and coordinating research,
educational and development projects. Furthermore, it has coordinated
activities related to infrastructural development and equipment acquisition projects
as well as many education and training activities. Additionally, UoI has
successfully undertaken industrial contract research projects both on a National
and International level. For this reason UoI has implemented and established a
Quality Management System in conformance with the International Management
System Standard ISO 9001:2008, as well as the Greek Management Efficiency
Standard, with a scope of “Project Management of Research and Development of
Technological and Other Related Programs and Activities”.
engages in high quality interdisciplinary applied research activities of high importance
to the Greek industry, economy and society. Research is mainly financed by the
European Commission, the Greek Authorities, as well as the Greek General
Secretariat of Research and Technology as well as other funding sources.
research funding sources are the Ministry of Development (now Ministry of
Environment, Energy and Climate Change) as well as bilateral agreements and
research grants given by International Organizations to promote specific
research areas by research staff and their postgraduate students. Furthermore
many research groups from both the University
of Ioannina and other Greek
or foreign institutions are collaborating under several international research
Today, the University of Ioannina participates in the development
of several research projects in the research areas of science, chemistry, new
materials, biochemistry, biology, biomedicine, environment, education
technologies and science, arts, as well as information and communication